Sunday, October 9, 2011

¥ Charlieissocoollike CRAZY4 purple soup as the best ♪

¥ Charlieissocoollike CRAZY4 purple soup as the best ♪ Video Clips.

SONG DOWNLOAD at: Charlie is so cool, as it makes me want to sing and eat the soup PURPLE, LOL = D my official website: for each of you who can Charlieissocoollike Unknown, here some links to some of his videos of all time Duet With Myself teen UNDERSTANDING THE PURPLE MAN AND CHARLES recipe for 'AS' Coolike PURPLE SOUP © 2010 All Jackie Messenger Created 3 doses rights reservedBeef broth 2 large potatoes Okinawa (Secret ingredient Purple) 2 large onions 1 bunch garlic pepper 1 / 8 teaspoon salt, if possible, with a pressure cooker, cook for 5 minutes or if you plan a traditional cooking pot, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 30 minutes. ... among other things, you can use the pressure cooker that I bought on QVC. The link is below: Search only pressure cookers. I'm sure they are all good. The one I bought is likeTechnique described by Cook's Essentials. And 'the electric 6.25 QT Pressure Cooker w / removable plate. Model 99765 2010 Price $ 87.96 plus shipping. (... But it's worth it for a quick healthy soup, chili, stews, and much more!) ... By the way, I am not connected in any way QVC, but this I recommend a pressure cooker is a good buy for us. Corn bread recipe that is baked on the package of yellow corn flour PREHEAT to 350 ˚ C ALBERS ½ cups sugar 1 cup flour 2 / 3 ½Cup ...

Tags: charlieissocoollike, Charlie, is, so, cool, like, the, Purple, Man, Soup, Cornbread, Recipe, Pressure, Cooker, Healthy, Food, Okinawan, Potato, potatoes, Okinawa, Fan, Song, Original, Songwriter, Singer, guitar, acoustic, piano, girl, Jackie, Messenger, music, video, jackiemessenger, Surprise, Marmite, Understanding, Teenage, Boys, singing, with, myself, homestarrunnertron, charliemcdonnell, mcdonnell, hilarious, funny, cute, tv, tutorial, tasty, good, yum, try, it, kitchen, cooking, show, how, to, make, homemade

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